Relational Algebra in hindi | Relational Algebra in dbms in hindi

 आज हम What is Relational Algebra in Hindi and Unary and binary Relational Operations in DBMS के बारे मे जानेगे क्या होता है तो चलिए शुरु करते हैं:-

What is Relational Algebra in dbms in hindi:-

इसके द्वारा हम queries को lower level पर प्रस्तुत करते हैं। यह प्रस्तुतिकरण queries evaluation तथा querry optimizer के द्वारा समझी जाती है । सामान्यतः को represent करने के लिए अंग्रेजी भाषा के शब्दों का use करते हैं । किन्तु relational algebra के अन्दर query को प्रस्तुत करने के लिये कुछ special symbol का use किया जाता है । 
SQL केवल Relational Algebra पर आधारित है । Relation Algebra के अन्तर्गत operator दो प्रकार के operators होते हैं । 
( 1 ) Uneary in hindi ( 2 ) Binary in hindi 

( 1 ) Uneary in hindi :-

( a ) It require only one relation ( table )
( b ) example 
(i) select
(ii) predicate (where clause)
(iii) Rename (Alias)

(2) Binary in hindi:-

(a) are those that require relations 
(i) Union (U)
(ii) Intersect (∩)
(iii) Minus 
(iv) Divion 
(v) Inner Join 
(vi) Outer Join 
              A. left Outer Join 
              B. Right Outer Join 
              C. Full Outer Join
1 : - Table name must written in brackets . 
2 : - Column name are written in the small letters . 
3 : - Column name are written as a subscript of the PI π symbol 
4 : - The PI π symbol is used to represent select statement . 
Example - display name , class and fee of all the students . 
SQL Query : - select name , class , fee from student 
relational algebra in dbms in hindi:- Tiname , class , fee ( student ) 
5 : - Where के स्थान पर sigma (σ) का use किया जाता है। 
6 : - Condition को Sigma के subscript में तथा Brackets ( ) मे लिखा जाता है । 
7 : - Condition मे Relational , logical , operator का use किया जाता है ।

Relation Operators:-

is equals too =
Not equals too ≠
Greater than >
Less than <
Greater than or equals too ≥
Less than or equals  too ≤

Logical operators:-

Or V
relational algebra in dbms with examples:- Retrieve employee name, job, & salary for those em ployees who are earning more than 2000 & working as clerk.
SQL Querry :- Select ename, salary, job from emp where salary > 2000 and Job = 'clerk' 
FoxPro Query :- list fields ename, salary, job for salary > 2000 and job = "clerk" %3D

Relation Algebra:-

𝝅ename, salary, Job (≥σsalary>2000۸job="clerck"(amp.))


एक से अधिक tables को आपस में Relate करने के लिये Join का Use किया जाता है । यह तीन प्रकार के होते हैं 
( i ) Inner Join Natural Join 
( ii ) Cross / Cartesion Product 
( iii ) Outer Join 

( i ) Inner Join :-
( iii ) Outer Join :-

(i) Inner join/Natural join - example 

1. List Employess name, department name, location of all Em- ployees. 
Query :- Select ename, dname form emp 
                inner join DEPT (Using deptno) 
Relational Algebra in dbms in hindi :- 𝝅ename, dname (emp ⋈ dept) 
2. list employee name, department name of New York. 
Querry :- Select ename, dname, loc from emp inner join dept using (dept no) where loc = "New York"
Relational Algebra in dbms in hindi :- 𝝅ename, dname,loc (σloc = "New York") (emp ⋈ dept) 

(ii) Cross / curtesion : -example

1. list employee name, departname name, location of all employ- ers 
Querry :- select ename, dname from emp cross join dept. 
Relational Algebra in dbms in hindi :- 𝝅ename, dname(emp X dept) 

(iii) Outer Join - example :-

list employess name department name location of all employ- ers 
Querry :- select ename, dname from dept full outer join emp on amp. deptno = dept.deptno
Relational Algebra in hindi :-
𝝅Neame, dname (emp dept)
